Nandita reads the cards exclusively for the Diabetes Health magazine.
(Mar 20 - Apr 21)
Unexpected and uncertain events are likely to present themselves on many occasions. This is a particularly stressful time, which may affect your health. You may feel tired and sleepy more often. Doing some light yoga exercises will be good for your body as well as mind.
Lucky numbers: 5 and 8
(Apr 22 - May 21)
You may experience some minor health issues and may have problems regarding enlargement of internal organs and piles. You need to be extra vigilant in maintaining proper hygiene and should avoid places where there could be chances of contamination.
Lucky numbers: 2 and 9
(May 22 - Jun 21)
but that does not imply that you spoil your health. Take special care of your eyes and throat as you may suffer from random bouts of infections. If you feel that something is amiss, then do visit a doctor.
Lucky numbers: 1 and 7
(Jun 22 - Jul 23)
Health will be much better than the past few months. Maintain your diet and exercise regime to further improve your health. You are prone to allergies and may suffer from minor ailments. Joint pains will be a constant bother.
Lucky numbers: 3 and 6
(Jul 24 - Aug 23)
Health will take a back seat and you need to make conscious efforts in maintaining your health. You may experience frequent back pain and headaches. It is advised that you visit the doctor and take proper care.
Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
(Aug 24 - Sep 23)
Health problems are likely but with proper care it can be kept under control. Tension is the major culprit for all your health problems, hence it is advised to check you stress levels and relax. Incorporate a simple fitness regime to keep complications at bay.
Lucky numbers: 2 and 5
(Sep 24 - Oct 23)
Muscular pain and nervous disorders are likely to occur hence it is better to visit the doctor before complications worsen. Thing will ease out with time so do not worry too much as this will only worsen your condition. You are also prone to allergies and ear infection.
Lucky numbers: 6 and 8
(Oct 24 - Nov 22)
Try not to overburden yourself with work as this may have a negative impact on your overall health. Try to set aside some 'me' time to help you feel better and gain better perspective on certain issues that have been playing on your mind. Indulging in your favourite sport may also bring in some peace of mind.
Lucky numbers: 1 and 4
(Nov 23 - Dec 21)
You are prone to infections and allergies; hence, you need to take extra care of yourself. Avoid eating outside food to stay healthy. Cold, cough and frequent headaches will be a constant bother and will gradually ease with time. Try and enrol yourself in a fitness regime to improve your overall health and keep your mind off petty things.
Lucky numbers: 3 and 7
(Dec 22 - Jan 20)
Guard against sugary and unhealthy food to maintain good health. Avoid getting in to unnecessary arguments as this may increase your blood pressure and exhaust you. The cards also predict eye and ear infections, therefore take care.
Lucky numbers: 2 and 3
(Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Aquarians will enjoy this period and will get loads of respect and love from people around. Health needs attention. Getting engaged in physical activities, including sports may be a very good idea. Energy levels may get low so try to get adequate rest.
Lucky numbers: 5 and 9
(Feb 20 - Mar 20)
Minor stress related issues may crop up from time to time. Try not to worry about these as things will improve with time. Also be careful of viral infections. Boost your immunity with natural healing techniques like yoga, meditation and aroma therapy.
Lucky numbers: 1 and 7