
(Mar 20 - Apr 21)

You need to be extra careful in terms of health during this period. Minor ailments will keep bothering you from time to time. It is advised that you avoid eating outside and stick to homemade food. Try engaging yourself in favourite sport to help boost your immunity and improve overall well-being.

Lucky numbers: 5 and 8


(Apr 22 - May 21)

Continue with your fitness regime to help feel better about yourself. You may suffer from some viral infection. Do not neglect your health. Avoid getting stressed as this may prove detrimental to your health. Try and spend some time with family and friends to keep your mind off things.

Lucky numbers: 7 and 9


(May 22 - Jun 21)

Overall health will be good during this period. If you are playing sports then you need to remain cautious as you are prone to injuries and minor fractures. You need to watch your blood pressure as there are chances that the levels may spike.

Lucky numbers: 2 and 6


(Jun 22 - Jul 23)

Overthinking will only make matters worse and dampen your spirit. Maintain a balance between your professional and social life. Try some relaxation techniques to keep your mind off petty things. Take care of your eyes, nose and throat. Make gradual changes in your daily activity and you will feel more active and refreshed.

Lucky numbers: 1 and 8


(Jul 24 - Aug 23)

Health may take a backseat during this period. Monitor your sugar levels regularly to keep the complications associated with Diabetes at bay. Also if you suffer from high blood pressure you need to be extra careful. Timely medication and medical advice will enable you to lead a much healthier and active life.

Lucky numbers:3 and 5


(Aug 24 - Sep 23)

Eye problems may bother you from time to time. Throat and stomach infections are also indicated. Engaging in some outdoor sport or some physical activity will help keep your body fit and flexible. Avoid taking extra work as this may over exhaust you; affect your sleep and appetite.

Lucky number: 4 and 6


(Sep 24 - Oct 23)

Health is good but you may suffer from cold and cough as the season changes. Continue exercising regularly and eating healthy to maintain your well-being. Refrain from eating spicy food. Avoid alcohol and consume light meals especially in the evenings.

Lucky numbers: 2 and 3


(Oct 24 - Nov 22)

Changes in the weather could wear you down. Try enrolling in some fun filled activity to increase your resistance power. If you have Diabetes or blood pressure avoid situations that get you worked up. Eat nutritious food, avoid alcohol and smoking. Get adequate rest to help feel better. Walking, jogging and meditation may also help improve fitness levels.

Lucky number: 1 and 9


(Nov 23 - Dec 21)

You may suffer from breathing problems; hence it is advised that you seek timely advice from your doctor. Back problems are also indicated, hence it is necessary that you maintain a proper posture and indulge in some physical activity. Frequent headaches and eye problems may crop up from time to time.

Lucky numbers: 3 and 6


(Dec 22 - Jan 20)

In the initial stages of the month you shall feel stressed and burdened. Attending a stress relieving course shall help reduce the tension in your life. Try and bring some positive changes in your diet, exercise to aid combating stress of daily life. You may feel physically and mentally drained, but things will gradually get better.

Lucky numbers: 1 and 4


(Jan 21 - Feb 19)

Cold and cough will constantly bother you. Try going for brisk walks to refresh your mind and keep fit. A weak digestive system could upset your daily routine, hence refrain from eating stale food and consume light meals. Continue taking your prescribed medications to control the ailment and do some breathing exercises like yoga and meditation.

Lucky numbers: 6 and 7


(Feb 20 - Mar 20)

Patients suffering from joint pains should be extra careful during this period. If you suffer from chronic illness take extra care and necessary precautions to control the ailment. It is advised that you undergo a routine medical checkup to catch any underlying ailments and take timely treatment. Regular exercise will aid in improving your resistance power.

Lucky numbers: 1 and 5

Diabetes Health Magazine