Spiced Tea

Spiced Tea

Who wouldn't fancy a cup of hot drink

when it is raining outside! This healthy drink has everything to keep you fit and revitalised this monsoon season. Preparation Time: 5 minutes Makes: 1 servings


• 114 cup basil leaves (tulsi)

• 114 cup mint leaves

• 114 teaspoon cardamom powder

• 1 small piece of cinnamon

• 1 tablespoon lemon juice


1. Blend basil leaves, cinnamon, cardamom powder and mint leaves in a blender.

2. Boil 1 cup of water.

3. Add the blended mixture and lemon juice to the boiling water.

4. Strain the concoction and serve hot.

Nutritive values per serving:

• Energy: 50 kcal

• Fibre: 4 g

Diabetes Health Magazine