Eat veggies, stay fit

Source: American Academy of Neurology, 2022
Eat veggies, stay fit

A study has found that long-term consumption of whole fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of memory loss in adulthood. The study analysed the 20 years’ diet assessment and functioning of the brain of a group of dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, pharmacists and veterinarians from another follow-up study. The responses from 27, 842 American men of average age 51 years were recorded by questionnaire method and the results are published in the journal American Academy of Neurology. The results have shown that 54 per cent men had good functioning of the brain and had high thinking skills and memory, 38 per cent men had moderate functioning of the brain and 7.3 per cent men had poor thinking skills and memory. The study has observed that people who ate more green leafy vegetables and berries such as strawberries and raspberries had high thinking capacity and did not suffer from memory loss due to ageing.

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