Yoga is an innovative form of physical activity and stress management. Yoga-based programs may be a low-cost intervention strategy to improve physical as well as psychological well-being.Diabetes is a disease affecting the pancreas. Other organs important in glucose metabolism are liver, intestines, muscles and fat (especially central fat). Regular yoga practice not only builds strength and flexibility; it aids circulation, fortifies the lungs and heart, calms the mind, reduces stress, helps you lose weight and keeps the body in balance.Yoga relaxes and heals. The deep breathing, stretching, movements that release muscle tension all initiate a process that turns the fight-or-flight system off and the relaxation response on. This has a dramatic effect on the body, especially for people with Diabetes who benefit as their heartbeat slows, respiratory problems decrease, blood pressure normalises and their body seizes this chance to turn on the healing mechanisms.
Yoga is an innovative form of physical activity and stress management. Yoga-based programs may be a low-cost intervention strategy to improve physical as well as psychological well-being.Diabetes is a disease affecting the pancreas. Other organs important in glucose metabolism are liver, intestines, muscles and fat (especially central fat). Regular yoga practice not only builds strength and flexibility; it aids circulation, fortifies the lungs and heart, calms the mind, reduces stress, helps you lose weight and keeps the body in balance.Yoga relaxes and heals. The deep breathing, stretching, movements that release muscle tension all initiate a process that turns the fight-or-flight system off and the relaxation response on. This has a dramatic effect on the body, especially for people with Diabetes who benefit as their heartbeat slows, respiratory problems decrease, blood pressure normalises and their body seizes this chance to turn on the healing mechanisms.