Balance is the key

Balance is the key

Dr. Gauri Mohile shares with Diabetes Health the importance of physical and mental fitness and how attaining this balance is the key to a healthy and happy life.

A little bit of me

I have been a dentist since 2001 and work in London. Apart from general dental care, I'm actively involved with the National Centre for Smoking Cessation; and provide training as well as work with young pregnant mothers to give up the habit. Outside dentistry, I am an avid traveller and have a keen interest in music especially western jazz. Growing up in India, I would regularly play badminton and was actively involved in the game of kabbadi in school.

My fitness regime

Being a dentist, I lead a sedentary lifestyle. Since time is at a premium, I incorporate everyday activities like climbing stairs, walking everywhere rather than driving or taking the public transport. Playing with my son in the playground is part of my fitness regime. I prefer group activities as it ensures that you follow a fitness routine while catching up with friends.

I am an avid follower of Ashtanga yoga and have been practicing it for the last seven years. It gives me a sense of balance and stability while strengthening my core. I practise yoga thrice a week for 45 minutes. Apart from yoga, I try to swim at least once a week. Cardio-based exercises help the metabolism function better by utilising the nutrients that one has consumed over the day. The one change I would like to make is sleep early. Nothing rejuvenates you more than eight hours of sleep.

My diet

Time of the dayDiet5 amGreen teaBreakfast 6:30 amOats/bran/muesli with flaxseed and semi skimmed milkMid-morning snack 10:30 amNuts and seeds mix/Probiotic yogurt + Green teaLunch 1:00 pmSalad with either fish or chicken and a bottle of waterDinner 6:00 pmChappatis/Brown rice with either fish/chicken/vegetables or lentil based soup with whole meal breadDessert 7:00 pmFruits

I try to drink two litres of water daily.

Takeaway message

Fitness to me involves physical and mental fitness. We all lead stressful lives and mental tenacity is of utmost importance if we want to lead a healthy life. The best way to stay fit both physically and mentally is to do what you like to do and not follow what others are doing. If you think yoga is for you then that is what you should be doing. If you think running or swimming is best for you then that should be a big part of your fitness routine. Any fitness regime will only benefit you both physically and mentally if you like doing it.

Diabetes does not run in my family and I personally believe that to delay its onset or to maintain your blood sugar levels at an optimal level, a healthy nutritional diet teamed with regular exercises is of paramount importance.

Diabetes Health Magazine