Health Bytes Sanjay

A little bit of me

I am an Enterprise sales manager at an MNC in Mumbai. My work schedule is erratic with no fixed time table. This led to a lot of late night spent attending conference calls and ever changing sleep patterns. Last year proved to be a bit of a wakeup call for me. In July 2014, I suffered headaches and vision problems. During a routine scan, a blood clot was discovered. The medical.

My activities

I have competed in swimming races at the state level. I have also represented Mumbai in Table tennis matches. Both games continue to hold a fascination for me.

My fitness regime

I love to swim. I swim at least 8 laps every day.

Takeaway message

Although Diabetes does not run in my family I still take preventive measures to avoid this dreaded disease exercising and restrain myself from overindulging my sweet tooth. I feel it is important to believe in yourself to keep fit, stay strong mentally.

Diabetes Health Magazine