Advait Deodhar

Advait Deodhar

"Fitness is integral to racing"

Advait Deodhar, is a talented Formula-4 racing driver who states that racing is in his blood. He discusses his need for speed and how being fit helped him onto success and many podium with Sunila Kelkar.

A little bit about me

I had absolutely no history or experience with car racing prior to 2012. I have been a national level sailor and have actually spent more time on a boat than in a car having sailed an Olympic class sailing boat. I had always been attracted towards motorsport and having lived in Italy for four years and being exposed to motorsport directly, helped me finally decide to pursue my dream. As a risk it was monumental, but the crossroad was a now or never kind of scenario. Racing is in my blood; it cannot be taught. In the words of ex-Formula 1 race driver, Mario Andretti "Either they have it in them or they don't".

Racing as a profession

My first race was exactly 10 days after I graduated as a car designer in Italy on the 22nd July, 2012 in the Formla LGB4. In 2013, I competed in the Formula Ford 1600 (FF 1600) and the Formula LGB4 and scored five podiums. In 2014, I am currently placed 2nd in the championship with two rounds remaining and have a realistic shot of being crowned Champion. I have also competed in the Toyota Etios Cup and won on my debut race!

My fitness regime

A family history of Diabetes provides impetus to remain fit as to avoid the onset of Diabetes. Being a racing driver, I need as high level of fitness – as that of any football player. Racing is a physically demanding and a mentally taxing sport as fatigue deters performance. The brake pressure and resulting G-force takes its toll on your body – especially your neck. The brake pressure in a Formula 1 car is equivalent to 120 kgs. The driver's heartbeat is constantly over 185 bpm. Intense concentration is required for driving to the absolute limit, watching your competitors, taking care of your tyres, defending your position, talking to the pit crew on the radio. Without physical and mental fitness this would be impossible to achieve. An outdoor run at least once a week along with working out on a treadmill, cross- training and cycling outdoors and the spinning cycle are a part of my routine. I need to keep my weight down since I am quite tall for a racing driver. I believe skipping as an exercise gives me the best results to keep it under control. I eat fruits like oranges, kiwis, apples and pears. Kiwis help me satisfy my craving for sweets. My diet includes fish, chicken as well as 6 egg whites (after my workout) to meet my body's protein requirement. I avoid aerated drinks.

Takeaway message

Believe in yourself. Work towards your goals and it will work out. Keep fit, stay strong mentally. We are a country of over 1.2 billion people – there is no reason why someone out there will not believe in your dream and help nurture and sponsor it.

Diabetes Health Magazine